Autumn Term!
Hi!!! Welcome to Y4 with Mrs Batham and Mrs Hockell (previously known as Ms Brookes) :)
I cannot wait to start the year with you all! You really impressed me during transition and I'm sure we are going to have a fantastic term ahead. Remember you will still have Miss Peace every Wednesday too whilst Mrs Batham is out of class and Mrs Billingham every Monday when Mrs Batham has PPA time
Key information:
Class email:
P.E days: Mondays and Tuesdays Please ensure that earrings are out for these days and P.E kits are in school.
Weekly expectations:
Children should swap their reading books as often as they can and they should have them in school everyday so that we can read with them! Reading records should be signed by you to show your child is reading at home. They will then go up on our points scale Children cannot move up on our points scale unless you sign!
In addition to this, school have also invested in 'Reading Planet Online' where children can access a range of books online. These will be set and monitored by Mrs Batham. Children will be rewarded for reading here too!
Children will be sent home with ten spellings every week. These should be learnt by every Friday where they will be tested. Children will also be tested on another 5 words from the Y3/4 common exception words which can be found at the bottom of this page. Children will be rewarded for high scores.
Children will be sent home with a variety of home learning tasks which will rotate between English, Maths, Science, Online Safety and Topic. This will be set on a Friday and must be returned to school by the following Friday. The earlier spellings are returned, the more house points children will receive.
As part of statutory assessments issued by the government children will now take a 'Multiplication check' in Y4. This will test the most difficult multiplication facts up to 12x12. Children will have 6 seconds to recall the fact and type it in. Children will be baselined in Autumn but will need to be practising at home too! We will still be using times table rockstars at home and at school. If you need a password, please do let me know!
Home Learning: Due 16.09.22
Task: Find out as much as possible about our
author Roald Dahl.
Basic: Create a poster all about him.
Advanced: Create a biography with subtitles about each part of his life.
Deep: Write an autobiography. Pretend you are Roald Dahl. Tell us about your childhood, education and writing career.
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