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Our curriculum at Brickhouse centres around the requirements of the National Curriculum and all its subject areas. At Brickhouse, we operate a “thematic” curriculum, whereby we take the all the subject areas, prescribed by the National Curriculum, and integrate them in to “themes” or “topics”, to provide enriching learning experiences for all.

Each year, each class, from Nursery to Year 6, works through three termly topics, which links their learning together and provides a more lasting learning experience.


Nursery and Reception classes are referred to as the Early Years Foundation Stage. When the children join the Early Years, they begin to acquire the basis skills which they will need later in their school life.

They will be following seven areas of learning. Three prime areas - Communication & Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social & Emotional Development and four specific areas - Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts & Design.

Early Years is an important stage, as it is during this time, that attitudes to learning are formed and social skills developed. These lay the foundations for future education. Young children learn most effectively through structured play.

Our Early Years staff work together as a team and plan for children's learning in the seven key areas, to ensure that all areas of development are covered within an interesting, stimulating and supportive framework. The children are taught directly and also have a choice of planned activities so that they are able to develop independent learning habits.
In Key Stage One (Years 1 & 2), the children will continue with the programme already started in the Early Years, and there is great emphasis placed on the transition between Early Years and Year 1. Also, great emphasis is placed on the teaching and enjoyment of reading, writing and maths through a variety of carefully structured activities, as required by the National Curriculum.
Science, Computing, History, Geography, Art, Design & Technology, Music, Physical Education, PHSE and Religious Education, also have an important place in Key Stage One, as does our commitment to the provision of carefully structured and well organised play activities. 
On transferring to Key Stage Two (Years 3 to 6), the children will be encouraged to broaden, and study in greater detail the various learning areas. Reading material will be presented, which will increase vocabulary and also take account of the changing interests of the children as they mature.

Language activities (including speaking and listening, creative writing, handwriting and spelling) take on a more defined role as the children progress through Key Stage Two, as do the other important subject areas of Maths, Science, Computing, History, Geography, Art, Design & Technology, Music, Physical Education, PHSE. Modern Foreign Language and Religious Education. The children will be encouraged to put forward their points of view on various issues, solve problems and make judgments regarding their work in school and life in general.
Home Learning
Children are set weekly home learning tasks, the amount depending on the scheme of work they are following. We would appreciate it if you could support your child by encouraging them to complete their home learning. Another way you can help your child is by reading to them and later listening to them read, as well as supporting them in their learning of their times tables. Children with particular learning needs, may be provided with additional work for completion at home.
Relationships & Health Education
The School has a formal policy for the teaching of Relationships & Health Education, which can be found in our policies section.

Relationships and Health Education is now statutory. It focuses upon healthy relationships and keeping children safe in the modern world. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics relating to physical and mental health, wellbeing, safeguarding and healthy relationship and is designed to support children to learn about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up in a modern and diverse world.


It is designed to give young people the information, and help them to develop skills and positive values to have safe, fulfilling relationships and to take responsibility for their own wellbeing. All of the sessions will be age-appropriate and meets the needs of all pupils in the classroom.


The guidance will form part of our schools PSHE Education programme which is taught throughout the school in every year group and is monitored and reviewed regularly by the staff and Governing Body.


As a school we have opted to use the Jigsaw curriculum programme, a nationally recognised curriculum package for primary PSHE & RHE, as our major provider for PHSE & RHE across school. 

Special Educational Needs
Assistance is available for those children with learning or social emotional difficulties. This help is generally provided as a matter of course by the teaching staff of the school, however, children with special difficulties are referred to specialist teachers who are provided by the Local Authority. The use of these teaching specialists always follows discussions with parents, in conjunction with our Special Needs Co-ordinator.
Extended Schools Provision
There will be a number of opportunities for children to experience off-site activities e.g. visits to the theatre, art galleries and museums. The children may also be offered residential experiences as they move through school. We see these as a very important part of our curriculum.
Extra curricular  activities are provided for the children after school e.g. football, dance, netball, multi-sports. They are run by a variety of people. They include our teachers, support staff and external providers. These clubs are all chargeable, and you will be expected to pay for each half terms club in advance.
At Brickhouse, we also run a before school Breakfast Club, from 7.30am daily. For more details about places and charges, please contact our School Office on 0121 559 1629.