Chair of Governors
Mrs. K. Williamson
Vice Chair
Mrs. S. Polito
Clerk to the Governors
Mrs. C. Evans
Local Authority Governors (1)
Mrs. B. Dail
Parent Governors (3)
Mrs. M. Adnan
Mr. S. Miah
Staff Governors (1)
Mrs. H. Debney
Headteacher (1)
Mr. P. Newby
Co-opted Governors (3)
Mrs. K. Williamson
Mrs. D. Taylor
Mrs. J. Bartlett
Foundation Governors (2)
Mrs. S. Polito
Full Governing Body Membership
All of the above
Provision Committee Membership
Mrs. K. Williamson (Chair)
Mr. P. Newby
Mrs. S. Polito
Mrs. D. Taylor
Mrs. J. Bartlett
Mr. S. Miah
Outcomes Committee Membership
Mr. P. Newby
Mrs. H. Debney
Mrs. K. Williamson
Mrs. B. Dail
Mrs. M. Adnan
Special Responsibility Governors
Safeguarding, PREVENT, Well-Being & Single Central Record Review Governor
| Mrs. K. Williamson
Headteacher Appraisal Governors
| Mrs. K. Williamson Mrs. S. Polito Mrs. B. Dail
Pastoral Governor
| Mrs. M. Adnan |
Safer Recruitment
| All Governors
SEND Governor
| Mrs. B. Dail
Health & Safety Governor
| Mrs. J. Bartlett |
Attendance Governor
| Mr. S. Miah |
Behaviour Governor
| Mr. S. Miah
Trust Board Governor
| As required
Assessment Governor
| Mrs. D. Taylor
English Governor
| Mrs. S. Polito
Maths Governor
| Mrs. K. Williamson
EYFS Governor
| Mrs. S. Polito
Stakeholder Governor, to include Parent Evenings and School Council
| Mrs. S. Polito
Curriculum Governor to include RE, PE, RHE & PSHE
| Mrs. D. Taylor
| Mrs. J. Bartlett