Playground Buddies
At Brickhouse, we have developed our own playground buddies on the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds. These children are part of our school council, and you will find us on the anti-bullying displays around school. You will also spot us on the playground wearing yellow vests. Come and see us if you need a friend! We also have buddy benches on each playground for all children that need a chat or a friend!
At Lunchtimes, Sport Ambassadors from KS2 go onto the KS1 playground to support and play with the younger children to promote positive relationship. The children play games, use the zones provided and encourage children to use our Fit4school exercises.
We have been working hard as a school to promote Anti-Bullying to both parents and children. School Council members from across the school lead anti-bullying work and raise suggestions on how we can tackle this in school. Our School Council children developed the ‘SAY NOW’ initiative. We ran a whole school competition to design a ‘SAY NOW’ poster to explain what our school beliefs were about bullying. Take a look at some of our winning designs.
Anti-Bullying Charter
At the start of the year, our School Council members created a whole school Anti-Bullying Charter. They thought about what was important for children to remember and do if they are worried about bullying. The children also had to create a list of things that they expected staff members to do regarding bullying. The charter was then agreed with all staff members and pupils during SMSC lessons. Children agreed to the charter by signing their name to show they will remember and follow it around school. Here is our Anti-Bullying Charter.
Anti-Bullying Quality Mark
We have also been working very hard over the last couple of years towards gaining the Anti-Bullying Bronze Quality Mark. Miss Gaymer is the lead in school to help us achieve this. This is being developed through School Council and School Buddy systems along with our Anti-Bullying Steering Group. The Steering group consists of:
SLT Lead: Miss K. Gaymer
Lead for Anti-Bullying Quality Mark: Miss K. Gaymer
Lead Governor: Mrs S. Polito
Parent Representative: Vacancy
Pupil Representatives: School Council members from Upper KS2
During the year, we participate in whole school Anti-Bullying weeks.
If you have concerned about bullying that may be taking place, please see our Anti-Bullying Policy (available on the link above) to find out who you should speak to and how your concerns will be addressed.
The procedure for you to follow is to talk to your child's class teacher in the first instance to make them aware of the situation. This will then be passed on using the chain - Class Teacher - Phase Leader - Assistant Head or Deputy Head - Head Teacher.
You can also take a look at our child friendly Anti-Bullying Policy that was developed and agreed by our School Council Members. This policy was shared with parents at our online safety INSPIRE workshop.