We are very proud of our science work at Brickhouse Primary School and have achieved a Quality Mark for all of our hard work. We use the ‘Rising Stars’ scheme alongside Explorify and Ogden Trust to give our pupils the best coverage of our science curriculum. We plan a range of engaging lessons which include first hand experiences and practical investigations.
Classes are timetabled to have an afternoon of science each week. When working scientifically, children are taught to use practical scientific methods, processes and skills. We have developed our own principles of science using both staff and pupils ideas about what they want science to look like. In addition to our weekly science afternoons, we also ensure pupils get involved in other science related events such as inviting visitors into school, taking pupils on trips and holding an annual Science Week. We also use the local Eco-Bus each year which enables pupils to develop various areas of their subject knowledge in a fun and engaging environment.
Whole School Coverage
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
Year 1 | Transition Period | Animals including humans | Plants | Materials | ||
Year 2 | Healthy Me Animals including humans | Mini Me Living things and their habitats | Plants | Materials | ||
Year 3 | Rocks | Forces and Magnets | Light | Food and our bodies | Plants | |
Year 4 | Living things and their habitats | States of matter | Teeth and eating | Enquiry Skills | Sound | Electricity |
Year 5 | Space | Forces | Properties of Materials | Properties of Materials | Growing Up and Growing Old | Circle of Life |
Year 6 | Electricity | Light | Evolution and Inheritance | Evolution and Inheritance | Staying Alive |
Understanding of the world- this involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment.
Year 1
By asking questions, observing and using simple equipment children are given opportunities to study plants and their structures. They can identify, describe and compare animals including humans. The children develop their understanding of properties of everyday materials and compare and group by characteristics. When studying seasonal changes they can describe weather and how day length varies.
Year 2
Children are taught to compare the differences between things that are living, dead and never been alive. They can identify plants and animals in their habitats and micro habitats. Simple food chains are introduced. Plant study includes growing seeds and bulbs into mature plants. Children find out what is needed for survival and care of offspring. The importance of exercise, food and hygiene is included. Changes to materials by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching are investigated.
Year 3
Plants, transportation of water and life cycles are covered. Nutrition for humans is studied alongside the need for skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement. Opportunities to investigate and describe different types of rocks and soils are given. Reflection of light is studied and how shadows are formed. Within forces, different types of surfaces are compared, along with how magnets attract and repel.
Year 4
Children use classification keys to help group identify and name living things. The digestion system is studied, along with types of teeth and food chains. Solids, liquids and gases are explained, along with evaporation and condensation. Sound vibrations are studied and sources of electricity.
Year 5
Children study living things and their habitats. Children describe differences in life cycles, the process of reproduction and the changes that happen in humans as they develop to old age. Key vocabulary relating to properties of materials is introduced. Earth and Space are studied, which includes rotation and gravity.
Year 6
Children identify and name the main parts of the circulatory system and the impact of diet and drugs. Children suggest their own reasons for classifying plants and animals based on characteristics. Evolution and inheritance provides knowledge of fossils. Light study allows knowledge of how light travels in straight lines. Symbols in circuits are taught and why a circuit might not work.
Science Week 2022
To kick-start the week, we were visited by Sublime Science. Katie, the scientist, amazed us with her impressive skills and experiments. We then had the opportunity to make our own slime!