What are RSE and PSHE?
RSE is Relationships and sex education. PSHE stands for personal, social, health and economic development. Our RSE/PSHE Lead is Mrs. H. Debney. Relationships education is also an integral part of this area of learning. Recently, new statutory guidance for all primary schools was implemented for RSE where parents were consulted regarding the provision of this area. The areas to be covered during Primary School can be seen below.
RSE/PSHE at Brickhouse
We deliver our PSHE/RSE curriculum through a scheme called "Jigsaw".
Jigsaw splits the coverage into six pieces of the puzzle. Each piece is covered by each class at the same time so we can be consistent across the whole school in our discussions. The coverage of the jigsaw pieces ensures a broad and balanced coverage of statutory statements for RSE.
Our Jigsaw pieces are as follows:
A content overview can be seen below.
Every class has its own character, this is a cuddly Jigsaw piece which is kept in the classroom and used to support learning. Ask your child about their character!
British Values
Schools are now required to teach children about the fundamental British values.
Here at Brickhouse, we teach our children British values through our PHSE lessons and curriculum.
But what are 'British Values' - according to Ofsted, 'fundamental British values' are:
What must be taught?
The advice here is basically the same for maintained schools ('state' schools) and independent schools (private schools, academies and free schools):
For PSHE we also have a number of themed weeks/days to cover the curriculum in a number of others ways, these include;
We also have a number of themed event days:
Family PSHE
The purpose of Family PSHE is for parents/carers and school to work together to help children achieve their potential and be happy.
The Government asked children and parents what was important to them.
The answer they received was that children and parents/carers wanted five outcomes for children:
These are all areas covered in school which overlap with activities you can do with your children at home.
Should you have any questions please contact Mrs. H. Debney, Deputy Headteacher.
Dog, Duck and Cat
We work closely with the Dog, Duck and Cat Trust which provides educational resources that enable schools to address safeguarding, building resilience, promote harm reduction and the prevention of incidents and accidents.
We use them in school at times, but you are also encouraged to use them at home with your children.
If you go onto the website you can choose a topic to discuss. Please read additional notes before reading the book with your child / allowing your child to read alone. The resources are mainly aimed at EYFS/KS1/Lower KS2 children.
Please enjoy sharing these resources - enjoyable stories with a serious meaning behind them.