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Important Safeguarding Information!

It has come to our attention that Facebook is being used in our area to target children inappropriately.


The information came from one of our children, who then informed her parents. The Police and the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) are aware of the following information and are investigating.


The following profile name:


Kim Wilson New


has been used to friend request a number of the children in the area. The friend requests are targeting school age children.


Once the profile name has been accepted then the person starts asking children information about themselves and then begins to talk to the children about inappropriate subjects and asks them to do inappropriate things. We are sure by the comments that the person is not the age stated in the profile.


We are sure that following this information being made public, the profile will be deleted, however we are also sure that it will be just recreated under a different name, so please be vigilant to protect your children.


To help support you with keeping your children safe on the internet, please look our website under “Safeguarding - Internet Safety”, which includes links to websites to support you to protect your children.
