Throughout EYFS (Nursery and Reception classes), History and Geography concepts are taught as a part of their Understanding the World curriculum. It is woven throughout themes they choose to follow.
See the above documents for further details.
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
The above overview shows which topics are covered within each year group and when, and also a brief overview of the skills covered.
Black Country Day
Brickhouse Primary School is proud to be a part of the Black Country, an area of the West Midlands. It became industrialised during its role as one of the birth places of the Industrial Revolution across the English Midlands with coal mines, coking, iron foundries, glass factories, brickworks and steel mills, producing a high level of air pollution.
Each Year, on the 14th July we celebrate Black Country day, a chance to explore our unique dialect (Lenny Henry will demonstrate!) and what is the history of the Black Country.
Black History Month
During October we participate in Black History Month. Each class in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 study a key figure who is significant in this topic.