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EYFS Nursery


Welcome to Nursery with Mrs S Mann...



Autumn 2023


Here at Brickhouse, we feel that the transition period into Nursery is important to get right before we can begin educating your child.

For many children this will be their first setting, therefore we feel that it is important to build relationships with the children, get to know them personally and work alongside them in their child initiated play to support their settling in phase.

This term our focus will be on: Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), Communication and Language (C&L) and Physical Development (PD).

We hope by focussing on these areas we can support your child to feel settled and more confident with their learning journey.


Our aim in Nursery is to deliver purposeful, active, and importantly FUN learning opportunities!


Mr White's (EYFS Manager) Message:

Here in EYFS at Brickhouse we work very hard to achieve only the highest standards for each child. We believe each child is unique and we believe children achieve best when they have an all rounded balanced curriculum - both indoors and outdoors and when parents and staff work closely together. Should you have any unanswered questions about the running of EYFS please do come and see me...


Quality Mark Award

In June 2022 our Early Years Quality Mark was renewed. Our EYFS team, staff, children and parents are delighted to have this award for our school. 

This reflects the fantastic Early Years setting we really do have. 

 If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask to speak to myself (Mrs Mann) or Mr White (EYFS Manager). Alternatively you can share your questions or concerns on our email system -




Learning at Brickhouse is so important every day - so please ensure your child is in school on time (08:50) each day as learning starts as soon as they walk through the door! J

To promote and celebrate attendance, we will be holding a weekly raffle to win a prize from our special prize box! If your child comes to school for a whole week, their name will be added to our raffle pot and we will draw a winner on Friday.




What your child will be learning in Nursery…

We will be listening to lots of different Traditional Tales over the Autumn Term. We will orally comprehend the stories we have listened to, and if children feel confident to, we will begin some pictorial comprehension.


We will be learning about the Season – Autumn. To learn about Autumn, we will be taking an Autumn Walk to create autumn leaf printing pictures.


We also will be preparing for Christmas, during this time we will learn The Nativity story, and we have an exciting trip to Dudley Zoo to visit Santa’s Grotto coming up!


How you can support your child at home…

  • Lots of shared talk - model talking in full sentence, model turn taking in conversations
  • Begin to learn to dress and undress themselves: coats, shoes, jumpers, trousers etc.
  • Use the toilet independently - if you require support with toilet training please ask a member of staff for support...
  • Practise letters in your child’s name to support name recognition
  • Use the name writing card we provide in your child’s book bag to practise name writing
  • Practise holding a pen/pencil and using it correctly – any extra support of pen/pencil control please ask a member of staff…
  • Count numbers out loud together with your child
  • Sing songs


And most importantly share stories. Your child has been provided with a wordless picture book, please share this story at home with your child, and write their response to the story in their reading log. By doing this your child will be developing their Communication & Language and Literacy skills.


Reading at Brickhouse is at the heart of everything we do, please read the letter below from our English Leader, Miss K Gaymer.

Information about Nursery can be found in our What's Coming Up Leaflet...
