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PE & Sport Premium



The Government gives our school approximately £17,000 per annum to support the development of sport across school. The primary aim is to raise the profile of and improve the provision of PE and sport in school and to ensure healthy and active lifestyles.


Our school is using the funding to support DfE requirements by:


  • Providing after school clubs
  • Providing professional development opportunities for staff
  • Running sporting competitions or increasing participation in school games
  • Buying in quality assured professional development for schools
  • Signposting children to after school sport clubs and holiday clubs
  • Improving the range of equipment and support materials in school, to support PE delivery, both during and after school.


What have we done so far?


  • Tracked the fitness of our children over 2023-24
  • Trained our Lunchtime Staff and Sports Ambassadors on delivering physical activities to our children at lunchtime.
  • Purchased a range of equipment to enhance our lunchtime provision and support the Sports Ambassadors.
  • Offered training opportunities to our staff on improving the delivery of their PE lessons.
  • Ran cooking clubs in KS 2 to improve children understanding of healthy eating as part of an active and healthy lifestyle.
  • Asked parents for their suggestions on sports related after school clubs.
  • Purchased a new PE Scheme for staff called Complete PE, and provided appropriate CPD for staff
  • Purchased new line markings for both playgrounds to increase the level of activity at playtime and lunchtime
  • Worked with the RRLC/St. Michaels, PE initiatives to increase the variety of sports clubs on offer and to increase children’s participation in sports competitions.
  • Sent texts to parents whose children do not regularly bring PE’s kits to remind them of the importance of PE as part of the curriculum and healthy and active lifestyles, which has in turn seen staff noticing an increase in the number of children regularly bringing PE kits.
  • The Brickhouse Voice is constantly involved in raising profile of our after-school clubs.


Spending in 2023/24


In 2023/24, Brickhouse received £17,770. We have spent this money on the following:




Buying into Wow Active, which provides us with:

  • Reception to Year 6 children taking part in the Wow Active programme with four activity tests per academic year in October/January/March/June
  • 20 support hours to be utilised to enhance the programme
  • Workshops for staff/parents/ lunch supervisors
  • Data analysis on every child/class and broken down into the following categories, Gender, Ethnicity, EAL, SEND, Pupil Premium and Key Stage


Increasing the amount of competition sport in which our children participate. WOW Active Sports Day, Football Competition (including Transport), Dodgeball etc


Developing additional clubs and activities for children, outside the curriculum, both after school and at lunchtime.

  • A termly after school sport club for KS 1
  • A termly after school sport club for KS 2


Developing additional clubs and activities for children, outside the curriculum, both after school and at lunchtime.

  • Five lunchtimes of multi-sport through appointing a lunchtime supervisor


Developing additional clubs and activities for children, outside the curriculum, both after school and at lunchtime.

  • A termly after school healthy eating club for KS 2


Purchase an new PE Curriculum


Making links to other community sports providers


Purchase equipment to support the curriculum


Run a Sports Ambassadors programme across school





Impact 2023-24


The impact of our proposed spend was severely hit by the follow up to the pandemic and as result school has not been able to carry out all the activities in the above plan.

However, school has purchased and trained staff on a new curriculum, provided new line markings and attended as many tournaments as have been offered by WOW Active. The activities have also had an impact on the overall fitness of the children as detailed below.


Wow Active Fitness Review 2023-24


  • Overall School Improvement of 36.13%, which is an increase of 22.43% on 2022-23


Year Group

Average Class Score Assessment 1

Average Class Score Assessment 4

% Improvement






























  • Girls made an overall improvement of 31.31%
  • Girls in KS1 made an overall improvement of 36.45%
  • Girls in KS2 made an overall improvement of 29.26%
  • Boys made an overall improvement of 41.19%
  • Boys in KS1 made an overall improvement of 50.99%
  • Boys in KS2 made an overall improvement of 38.31%
  • SEN children made an overall improvement of 39.65%
  • Non-SEN children made an overall improvement of 35.07%


Swimming Competence


As part of the National Curriculum by then end of KS 2 children should be able to:

  • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25m
  • Use a range of strokes effectively
  • Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]?


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?


Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and sport premium to provide additional provision for swimming, but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?



What’s Next?


  • To make health and fitness an integral part of the school’s ethos and values including children, staff, parents and the wider community.
  • To continue to develop the PE curriculum for to ensure key skills are covered in each year group
  • To develop a robust and appropriate assessment procedure for PE
  • To develop parental and community links through the Wow Active programme and working with local high school (St. Michaels)
  • To continue to develop and promote after school clubs
  • For key members of staff to share good practice with others, i.e. PE Lead Teacher
  • To audit children regarding health awareness
  • To audit staff regarding confidence in delivery of PE
  • To continue to provide staff with CPD opportunities to develop their skills and confidence in teaching Physical Education, through Wow Active and St. Michaels
  • To improve parental involvement in healthy and active lifestyles – healthy eating, varied after school clubs and workshops
  • To motivate, encourage and support the children to take ownership of their own physical health, fitness and wellbeing.
  • To continue to develop role of sports leaders/prefects in KS2
  • To develop Sports Ambassadors across school
  • To give staff the opportunity to enhance their own health, fitness and wellbeing through the Wow Active programme
  • To improve the number of children attaining the swimming competence strand by the end of KS 2
  • To improve outdoor play facilities and provision for children


Proposed Spending in 2024/25


In 2024/25, Brickhouse will receive £17,766 We propose to spend the money on the following:




Buying into Wow Active, which provides us with:

  • Reception to Year 6 children taking part in the Wow Active programme with four activity tests per academic year in October/January/March/June
  • 20 support hours to be utilised to enhance the programme
  • Workshops for staff/parents/ lunch supervisors
  • Data analysis on every child/class and broken down into the following categories, Gender, Ethnicity, EAL, SEND, Pupil Premium and Key Stage


To improve outdoor sports facilities for KS 1 & Ks 2 children i.e. permanent equipment


Increasing the amount of competition sport in which our children participate. WOW Active Sports Days and Tournaments


Developing additional clubs and activities for children, outside the curriculum, both after school and at lunchtime.

  • A termly after school sport club for KS 1
  • A termly after school sport club for KS 2


Purchase equipment to support the curriculum


Developing additional clubs and activities for children, outside the curriculum, both after school and at lunchtime.

  • A termly after school healthy eating club for KS 2


Develop a robust assessment system


Run a Sports Ambassadors programme across school



